~*WhErE TeEnS cAn beTeEns*~

Thursday, August 24, 2006

7:35 AM 8/24/2006 Chapter one definitions:

1.computer:an electronic device that accepts , data performs completionand makes
logicaldecsions,according to instroctions and data that have been given to it andand that produce meaning and produce information useful to a human

2.General process computer:used to identify computer in which their computation and input/outputprocessing capabilitiesare such that they can be used for almost any typ of application.

3.infromation:Data in a from that humans can understand.

4.infromation super high way:digtal voice and video communication aces through computer controlled telephonestelevision to any infromatio resource any where in the world.

5.informatio data processing:the process of sharing infromation bewteen humans and computetrs

6:application program:a program that instructs the computer to perform a specificuser defined task

7.computer system:a combination of related elements volting together to achive a goal.

8.hardware:tangiabel,physical equipment that can be seen and touched .

9.input:froms tha t becomes the source of data into the computer input device

10.input device:a hard ware device which enables the computer to accept data.

11.microminturiztion:the tecglogic process that enables an entire micro processerto occupy the spaceof antiny chipno larger then the size of your finger tip.

12.output:usefull information that leaves the computer.

13.out put device:hard ware device that process infromation in afrom that a human can understand.

14:processing:a hard war device that process data in a meangily motion.

15:processing:activity that takes placein the computer prosser where detailed instroctionstell the computer what to do.

16:original data:data fed into the computer for processing also called data.
17:software:elecronic that tell the computer what to do.

18:source document:paper froms on which data is on befroe being entered into a computer.

19:storage device:a software device that permits storage of data.

20:system program:"a program that controls the computer circultry and hardware devices.

21:Megahertz:the internal clock speed of a computer measures in millionth of a secound.

22:infromation utility:bussiness that use computers to storehuge amonts of infromation thenmake acess to thease computersand the srored infromation.

23:internet:a communication network that covera limited geographic area

.8:15 AM 8/24/2006 300 words


Blogger ~*SuSaNa*~ said...

hey gurl ur page is soooo cuterzzzzzz!!!! except 4all dat computer stuff lol!!!luv ya

10:03 AM  

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